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Empty Bowls & Coffee House

Empty Bowls was a very interesting experience. The fact that NHS students handmade each bowl, all different shapes and sizes with their own signature touches, is crazy. Empty Bowls is art show-like event where people go to look at all the bowls that NHS students made in art class, but then everyone gets to eat and all proceeds go to the Norwell Food Pantry. Attendees browse the selection of student-made bowls until they see a piece that speaks to them. After the individual pays the $10 for their bowl, they can eat to their heart’s desire from a selection of food donated from various local businesses. There’s a raffle available to win bowls made by Norwell’s very own Ms. Feeney and by going to Empty Bowls your ticket to Coffee House is half off.

Empty Bowls doesn't just go on at NHS, it goes on at many different schools nationally and internationally to promote the arts and to help end hunger. Empty Bowls was founded by Lisa Blackburn and John Hartom in 1990­. The event is very relaxed, enjoyable, and a win-win situation because you get a meal, a bowl to take home and the money goes to a great cause.

After eating and enjoying Empty Bowls, I attended the most recent Coffee House and it was an amazing experience. Coffee House is an event for everyone to come sit and watch performances while drinking coffee or to perform in a relaxed environment. You can basically perform any type of music you want. Students either performed songs by famous artists or songs they wrote themselves. Some accompanied their performance with instruments which added variety to the show. It was amazing to see students from many grades coming together at this event. One of my favorite acts was by Baker Hurley who sang Ed Sheeran's “Don't” and then mixed it with other songs. He also used a playback machine to add to the performance. Every act was unique in it’s own way which shows how much heart they put into the music and how much they practice. It is an outstanding way to share music and our school’s talent with the community. There's no prize for Coffee House so it is just a very relaxed and collaborative way of celebrating the musical arts.

I recommend going to Coffee House to anybody that loves and appreciates music just as I do. If anyone wants to sign up for the next Coffee House, sign ups will be outside of Ms. Adams room. Overall Coffee House was fantastic and everyone that performed did a great job. I hope to see everyone there next time.

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