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Ships & Giggles: He Sees You When You're Eating

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the man who many of us refer to as the new “cafeteria cop”, but he is so much more than that. I got to know a bit about Officer Phelps.

So, first and foremost I asked him the question everyone's been dying to have the answer to: Why are you here?

"The town and school dept. are required to have an officer as long as it’s in budget. I act as a liaison between the police department and the schools. I remember what it was like to be a high school student so I think it’s good to build a relationship between the students and I. I think it would be good to have a more positive view of cops. I want to build a relationship with the students, so they can come and talk to me and I can help with the teachers too if they wanted. So Mr. Fish wanted me to come in about an hour a day, so the kids would get used to seeing an officer in the school. I won’t be here all day but I will be a face in the school for years to come."

Then I figured I might as well get to know the man while I had the chance:

What do you do for fun when you're off duty?

"I have four children that are all into sports, so I chase them around on weekends, I go to Patriots’ games, we like to travel, but mostly I'm about time with the family. I've coached and I coach my son’s football program and I was an assistant coach at Rockland High. Hopefully I can become a big follower in Norwell.”

Do you listen to any music? What kind?

“I listen to all kinds of music. I have a teenage daughter so I listen to most of the music you guys listen to. But I'm a country music guy at heart. But when we're in the car it's on their station.”

Are you a sports fan? What are your favorite teams or sports?

“I'm a big Patriots’ fan, long time season tickets holder. After that would be the Bruins. I’ve been around sports my whole life, coaching and playing.”

Fan of movies? Favorite movie?

“I'm a movie buff, watch a lot T.V. at home when we have time. I'm a big Jaws fan, that's something that every time its on, I watch it.”

Where'd you grow up?

“I grew up in Rockland, so I'm a die hard Rockland fan. I was a police officer for 12 years there, until I transferred to Norwell and I've been here for almost 4 years now.”

And after all the boring icebreakers, I had a little fun with the questions:

Pancakes or waffles?


Milk in your cereal?


Best pasta shape?


Hats, forwards or backwards?

“Forwards... with a bend.”

Cheddar or mozzarella?


Sandwiches, diagonally cut or horizontally?


Ketchup on the top or bottom of the patty?


What is the deal with airline food?

“There isn't any anymore.”

Was the chicken jaywalking when he crossed the street, and do jaywalking laws apply to chickens?

“Jaywalking laws apply to everyone, and he was.”

Cats or dogs?


Best type of tree?

“Pine tree, the leaves don't fall off.”

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