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Robotics Rocks!

This school year the Robotics team has been working hard on a robot for this year’s competition in Florida. Although we are a team, there are different groups to do different tasks, such as the build team, programming team and the fundraising team. The build team’s main responsibilities are to design and assemble the team’s robot. This includes building the electronics board for the robot as well as the physical structure of the robot. The programming team codes the robot’s functions.The t-shirt team creates t-shirts for Norwell teams and sells t-shirts to other school clubs and programs for fundraising our competitions. We plan to achieve a high rank in our next competition, but also to have a fun time and work together as a team. Mr. Kowalski, the robotics teacher, has introduced us students to a new world of engineering and STEM. Robotics is a great influence for college applications and many of our robotics students are successful in getting into good colleges due to their involvement with the robotics program.

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