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Homecoming 2019

The excitement of the fall here at NHS culminates at the homecoming dance. This year, students raved at the lovely decorations courtesy of the PTO, who made sure to thematically transform each quadrant of the gym into a tundra, a jungle, a coral reef, and an intergalactic hangout.

And, a huge shout out goes to all the people who baked or bought the delicious snacks provided at the dance. Here at the Navigator, the unofficial official opinion is that the chocolate covered cookie dough balls were the best of the night.

Additionally, the glowsticks added a lovely touch to the night, being tossed around. Speaking of being tossed around, a couple of students got tossed into the air by their peers. While the crowd surfing was quickly shut down by Mr. Marani, the sight was fun while it lasted.

Although DJ Dan left a little to be desired in his musical selections (anyone for endless techno beats?), the students had a great time at Hoco 2019.

By Rose Hansen

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